Happy Birthday, Lucky me!

Today is your birthday dear precious child,
you entered my world in a sea of turmoil, and then came the calm.
The calm in which I bundled you in my arms and told you "I Love You".
A calm in which I sheltered you in my arms and kissed your tiny forehead.
A calm in which I promised to protect you forever.
Now Precious child, I know I have lied to you,
for, my child, I can not protect you forever.
I can only shield you with a shield made from clay.
For you see my child, as you grow older my clay shield begins to chip away.
But don't worry my child.
For behind the clay shield is I,
and it is through me that harm will have to pass.
And, my precious baby, my "being" is made of stone!
Begin to build your own shield my precious one.
Build it of stone, stone, for which only you can chisel away,
Create the grandest shield of all!
A shield that will never break away, leaving only your "being" to protect you.
You see, my precious child,
you need to save your "being" for your OWN special child!
I Love you, for you are my TRUE and ONLY real Blessing in this world!

Written by Julie
